Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Spot the Difference?

Brad has always maintained that my CF consultant bears a striking resemblance to my Granny. For this reason he always refers to my CF consultant as "Granny" (not to his face should hasten to add, that might just be slightly bizarre.....)

Now I spent 3 years telling him he was talking rubbish (well actually I always tell him that but I've told him for 3 years on this particular issue).

In order to clear up the matter once and for all, I decided to put them side by side.

I think he may have a point now.


Louise said...


I am sorry but I have to agree with Brad to me your granny does bear a passing resemblance to your CF consultant.

Minnie Mouse

Louise said...


I am sorry but I have to agree with Brad to me your granny does bear a passing resemblance to your CF consultant.

Minnie Mouse

Jayne said...


I have officially nealy wet myself. Please tell me that your Granny doesn't have 6ft length legs, or speak into a dictaphone when you say bye to her.

I was having the most rubbish evening and that has cheered me up no end.

No, hang on.. I feel like I'm being rude now. Your Granny looks lovely though, and doesn't look anything like Lovegod. Honest!! Maybe the hair though.....

Hope you are ok, take care

Jayne said...
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lil fairy said...

em sweetie i'm afraid that brad is kind of right, I will however never tell him i promise. he will then think he is right on all matters and may attempt to challange me to take over the world. hmm not good. hehe
love you lots poppet

Nicola said...

Awwww your poor Granny,but that made me giggle so much lol.Brad definately has a point,I think it could be the hair......and the glasses.

Hope your well Emmie.

Take care
Nicola x.