Thursday, November 16, 2006

I am having a sulk at the behaviour of my laptop. Which I think is totally justified considering it isn't working. Hurrumphh.

I am therefore getting behind at updating my blog which I am not impressed with either, so I am going to have to find someone to fix it in the next couple of days.

In the meantime I've just got a few minutes left in a local internet cafe, so I thought I'd put up a quick post. This place is called "TJ Chillaxinn" and according to the wooden sign outside, you can get an interesting assortment of things here:

Restaurant and Bar
Massages and Tattoos

The internet room is out the back and is actually quite nice as it has air-conditioning and three computers.

Right, I must go and pick my Mum and Dad up from the airport as their flight will be arriving in 5 minutes YAY!!! I'm so looking forward to seeing them. Shame they couldn't bring Daisy out here too though!

I will leave you with a great quote that I saw yesterday. All the buses here (which are actually minibuses) have names and also usually a quote written across the back windscreen. The one I saw yesterday was called "Real Stable" and had the following quote, which I found pretty meaningful on a lot of levels:

"Each tree of success has roots of stability that run deep"


Jac said...

Been catching up on your adventures...all sounds very exiting! Glad you are enjoying yourself and hope the laptop gets sorted so we can get the next installment :-)

happy travelling,
jac x

Anonymous said...

Hope your laptop starts behaving soon; tsk, pesky machines! Don't forget to post a pic of your new tattoo ;-)