*This is a special post dedicated to my very good and very Irish friend Alan!***
The new airline, PaddyAir, was launched at a press conference in Dublin last night. The owner and sole pilot of PaddyAir, Mr Paddy McPadderson, said:
“We be lookin’ forward to bringing de Oirish experience to de air travel in de 21st century. Bejesus.”
PaddyAir will run flights between Dublin and Grenada from tomorrow onwards. The sole aircraft (see attached photo) will run to a flexible schedule, depending on how much alcohol the pilot has drunk the night before and whether or not he can find his map.
Customers can look forward to a uniquely Irish experience during their flight. The traditional airhostesses have been replaced by leprechauns and in flight entertainment will consist of the entire back catalogue of Foster and Allan’s Greatest Hits on the radio.
For those who chose to fly first class, there will be extra perks. The entire cast of “RiverDance” have been drafted in to perform leg-flinging entertainment to the accompaniment of a trio of tin whistles. Guiness will also be served on tap and video screens will show Foster and Allan’s music videos (including squiddlydiddly dancing).
When asked at the press conference why air-conditioning is not available on PaddyAir’s current model of plane, Paddy McPadderson retorted:
“Jesus! Mary mother of God! I’ve never heard the like of it! If they be wantin’ cooler air they can jus’ open de feckin’ winda”
The new airline, PaddyAir, was launched at a press conference in Dublin last night. The owner and sole pilot of PaddyAir, Mr Paddy McPadderson, said:
“We be lookin’ forward to bringing de Oirish experience to de air travel in de 21st century. Bejesus.”
PaddyAir will run flights between Dublin and Grenada from tomorrow onwards. The sole aircraft (see attached photo) will run to a flexible schedule, depending on how much alcohol the pilot has drunk the night before and whether or not he can find his map.
Customers can look forward to a uniquely Irish experience during their flight. The traditional airhostesses have been replaced by leprechauns and in flight entertainment will consist of the entire back catalogue of Foster and Allan’s Greatest Hits on the radio.
For those who chose to fly first class, there will be extra perks. The entire cast of “RiverDance” have been drafted in to perform leg-flinging entertainment to the accompaniment of a trio of tin whistles. Guiness will also be served on tap and video screens will show Foster and Allan’s music videos (including squiddlydiddly dancing).
When asked at the press conference why air-conditioning is not available on PaddyAir’s current model of plane, Paddy McPadderson retorted:
“Jesus! Mary mother of God! I’ve never heard the like of it! If they be wantin’ cooler air they can jus’ open de feckin’ winda”
OMG........ if it isnt first officer Pradly Harris with his big mutton head out the WINDA.. and :),,sitting next to him is the air hostess otherwise known as THE WET ONE!!!!! i was going to explain how indeed she got that name but i think the name says it all :) Pradley Air aslo take animals on board but mind yourself you may step in some fresh pooh as did his lovely brother while doing a riverdance in the isle... shouting OH MAMMY help me ,, i stepped in the fecking dog shite again , if you ask me that whole crew are a Shambles lol,,
Loved it Emmie, i laughed for about an hour after reading that hehe.
We are going to have such a great time over in ireland cant wait now, so so looking foward to it. Yay xxxxxxx
haha love it.
luv ya lots xxxx
Had me coughing with laughter this one did, Alan is sooo going to get you back.... ;) xxxxxx
lmao emmie you have me laughing my head off hehe YAY xxxx
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