This blog entry is a copied account of what I wrote this afternoon whilst lying on the beach:
There can be no more relaxing and soul-enhancing ways of spending time than a Saturday afternoon on a tropical beach.
Lying here comfortably on my sunbed, I take in the surroundings and the atmosphere. The waves gently crash on the soft sandy beach – a constant, gentle, and eternal lullaby.
A gentle breeze sways the coconut palms – their fronds gently lifting and dancing in the warm air and dappled sunshine.
Voices and laughter drift through the air – so many people out enjoying their weekend. The local children giggle and shriek as they play in the water and run up the beach, a sound like a bubbling stream of pure joy and happiness.
A group of lads are enjoying their afternoon together. They sing, they shout and they laugh. Now and then they run along the sand before performing back flips and somersaults into the sea.
The leaves of the trees shading me rustle and flutter as the breeze caresses my back.
Round the bay the land curves, a crescent of greenery with little white buildings nestled amidst the rolling hills. The multiple clustered buildings of the town snuggle together, tumbling down towards the harbour.
The blue sky stretches far above. Laughter and voices float across. The sea continues its constant and unchanging melody.
Two beach sellers pass by calling out “Coral! Beautiful coral!” and “T-shirts! Buy some T-shirts!” and quickly they are gone again, moving further off along the beach.
The sun’s rays are becoming longer as the afternoon drifts on. Above me a bird sings his heart out in the tree. The dappled sunshine dances through the broad green leaves and flutters through the fringes of the coconut palms.
The sun begins to set behind the hill and a warm pink light suffuses the surroundings. People still splash about in the gently rolling sea and sit together on the sand. It’s been a great Saturday afternoon.
I'm not jealous, not one bit (grrrrrr). I'm so glad your having a good time honey you so deserve it.
luv ya lots xxxxxx
Wemmie! Thanks for your lovely card now get back to enjoying that beach!!!
That has made my Saturday afernoon look a bit pants in comparison. Your holiday sounds amazing. I was also going to say that I'm not jealous, but sod that... I'm green with envy!
Hope you continue to have a great time.
Jayne xxxx
Ditto what Rachy and Jayne have said, we're not jealous either - no not much!
Thanks for the e-card so pleased that you are having a wonderful time.
Got out of hospital on Friday evening, pleased to be home of course. Had Vashti and Malcolm here for an impromptu lunch today. Were talking about you wondering how you were.....
Anyway enough waffle from me. Take care both of you
Bev xx
Ohhh em sounds sooo lovely! as you can see no-one is jealous *shoves green eyed monster bck in the cupboard* hope you and mr brad are having a splendid time and come back with a nice tan and can you bring some of that sun in a bottle plz?
love and cuddles
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